
Proclaiming Christ’s reign in all things by providing safe spaces where children experience the story of God and learn how to proclaim His reign.


Our vision is for all middle school and high school boys and girls to know God through a personal relationship with Jesus and be equipped for a life of discipleship as ambassadors in Christ’s kingdom.


Gospel Focus (1 Corinthians 15:1-4): Whether hearing the gospel for the first time, in part, or after accepting Jesus, the good news of Jesus Christ is the message and motive of our activity.

Connectedness (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Building strong relationships with the middle school and high school boys and girls forges trust and opportunity for growth.  Connectedness with adult volunteer leaders who love Jesus forge opportunities to share life and express thoughts or feelings that would not be shared otherwise. Community embodies the eternal harmony of the Trinity.

Enthusiasm and Positivity (Philippians 4:8-9)

Engagement and consistency are supported by an environment denoted by enthusiasm and positivity and serves to help students see that life with Jesus is better and that we can share that life with those beyond our walls.

Safe curiosity (Romans 12:2)

Faith, particularly new faith, is nourished by an environment that is safe for exploration and asking questions.

Meeting Times

Sunday Mornings: During Sunday worship services on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (see provided calendar for exact dates).

Events: Once per quarter we will plan a special event (game night, movie, hike, etc) on a Saturday to connect in an environment outside of our Sunday gatherings. These are perfect for inviting friends. Details will go out in our regular email updates.

What to Expect

On 2nd and 4th Sundays, Students will join the congregation for praise and worship, and are dismissed during Meet & Greet, after announcements. Students and volunteer leaders will gather for an icebreaker, a bible lesson, and then break into discussion groups split between middle schoolers and high schoolers and led by our adult volunteers.

ECBC Students Parent Information

More Information


Cell: (303) 718-7354

Adam Peterson | Pastor of ECBC Students

ECBC Students Events Calendar