
Proclaiming Christ’s Reign in All Things

The Four Questions

  • What are we doing?

    We exist to proclaim Christ’s reign in all things.

  • Why are we doing it?

    Christ is the inaugurated king. He has commissioned us as ambassadors of his kingdom (Matt. 28:16-20; 2 Cor. 5:16-21), so we joyfully bring fame to Christ’s name (Romans 11:36).

  • How are we doing it?

    Kingdom Worship – We gather to worship and rehearse God’s glory back to him.

    Kingdom Community – We exist in community to embody the eternal harmony of the Trinity.

    Kingdom Mission – We seek and serve those beyond our walls as an example of kingdom culture and values.

  • When do we have a win?

    We are committed to making disciples for Christ the king (Matt. 28:16-20). Our mission is fulfilled every time God adds a disciple to the body of believers.

Sacred Space

Jesus’ commission to the Church compels us to go out and impact the world in such a manner that puts God’s kingdom on display. One way we do this is through regular events that we call “Sacred Space.” During months in which there are five Sundays, in lieu of our regular worship service, we worship by gathering on the fifth Sunday to serve and pray in our community and, by God’s grace, bring restoration to that which is broken. This is one of the ways we aspire to bring fame and renown to God's name, showing that all of His creation is sacred space. 

 The sacred space worship time is biblically informed: The Earth and all of its inhabitants belong to the Lord (Psalm 24:1-2).  The kingdom of Jesus has been established (Matthew 28:16-20) and every square inch of the universe is his kingdom. Therefore, all of creation is sacred.  Jesus’ commission to the Church calls us to go out and impact the world in such a manner that puts God’s kingdom on display. 

Communion Meal

In addition to having communion during some of our worship gatherings, our congregation gathers for a communion meal once a quarter.  It is a remembrance of the love of Jesus, and reminds us of the forgiveness we experience through Him. We enjoy a meal together as we reflect on God’s ultimate sacrifice and enjoy a time of testimonies of gratitude and fellowship with one another.